The Penguin History of Early India From the Origins to AD 1300 in Urdu

प्रारंभिक भारत का पेंगुइन इतिहास मूल से 1300 ई. तक उर्दू में

लेखक : रोमिला थापर
प्रकाशक वर्ष : 2017
विषय : ज्ञान पाठ अनुवाद श्रृंखला
आईएसबीएन : 978-81-7343-188-3
पृष्ठों : 680
भाषा : उर्दू
स्थिति : स्टॉक में
मूल्य : 450
विवरण : The text gives its readers an exhaustive idea about the history of India, from the time of its formation, through its gradual coalition, to its structure in AD 1300. The account is not a chronological narration of the events that took place to form India, but the narration of many stories of the different parts of India which gradually came together to form one great country.

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