Education and Human Resource Development - Kannada

शिक्षा और मानव संसाधन विकास - कन्नड़

लेखक : वी.के.आर.वी. राव
प्रकाशक वर्ष : 2019
विषय : ज्ञान पाठ अनुवाद श्रृंखला
आईएसबीएन : 978-81-7343-298-9
पृष्ठों : 292
भाषा : कन्नडा
स्थिति : स्टॉक में
मूल्य : 218
विवरण : The book emphasizes the need for human resource development for the development of any nation. It has an exhaustive analysis of the role of education and the problems faced in the development. The importance of both aspects of education and human resource development, and their interrelationship, are elaborately discussed in the said book.

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