Language Endangerment and Language Revitalization ; Policies, Planning and Practices

भाषा संकट और भाषा पुनरुद्धार; नीतियाँ, योजना और प्रथाएँ

संपादक : सुजॉय सरकार; नागराजू एस.; परमान सिंग
प्रकाशक वर्ष : 2020
विषय : सम्मेलन एवं संगोष्ठी कार्यवाही
आईएसबीएन : 978-81-947955-5-1
पृष्ठों : 266
भाषा : अंग्रेज़ी
स्थिति : स्टॉक में
मूल्य : 225
विवरण : “Language Endangerment and Language Revitalisation: Policies, Planning and Practices” abstracts were invited for oral and poster presentations on original, unpublished and substantial research relevant to the theme of the conference. Apart from that abstracts related to the main theme such as Documentation of Endangered and Lesser-known Languages, Language Ecology, Language Endangerment, Language Policy and Language Planning, Language Revitalisation, Community’s Participation in Language Revitalisation Process, Development of Script and Orthography, Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education, Technologies for Endangered and Lesser-known Languages, Field Ethics and Case studies, Language Archiving, Language Contact, Maintenance and Shift, Linguistic Human rights were also invited.

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ध्वन्यात्मक पाठक श्रृंखला-बोडो
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