

संपादक : डॉ. राकेश .आर सी.आर.प्रसाद
प्रकाशक वर्ष : 2019
विषय : स्वर्ण जयंती प्रकाशन शृंखला
आईएसबीएन : 978-81-7343-291-0
पृष्ठों : 142
भाषा : मलयालम
स्थिति : स्टॉक में
मूल्य : 120
विवरण :

Keralapanineeyam is a treatise on Malayalam grammar and rhetoric, written by A. R. Raja Raja Varma, grammarian, litterateur and one of the pioneers of Malayalam Language studies. This book deals with modern re-readings on keralapaniniyam. In this book different writers are narrating their own views on the basis of new trends and perspectives in language studies.These articles reconstruct the traditional readings on Keralapanineeyam and generates new knowledge.

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