Telugu Velugu III (Telugu Textbook for Hindi speaking students)

तेलुगु वेलुगु III (हिंदी भाषी छात्रों के लिए तेलुगु पाठ्यपुस्तक)

लेखक : परिमी रामनरसिम्हम
प्रकाशक वर्ष : 1974
विषय : भाषा शिक्षण सामग्री
आईएसबीएन : 0-000-0000-00
पृष्ठों : 147
भाषा : तेलुगू
स्थिति : स्टॉक में
मूल्य : 4
विवरण : This book contains 24 lessons. First four lessons are review lessons of the structures introduced in the second level book. The last lesson reviews the structures introduced in this book. The book contains conversations and prose passages specially written keeping in mind the level of the students. There are some selected prose passages on scientific topics also included to introduce the conceptional prose. Each lesson introduces one or two new structures and is followed by exercises designed to test the comprehension of the lesson and to give practice on the new structures. There are also a few poems. The lessons are intended not only to teach the language but also to give a glimpse of the aspects of Telugu literature, society and history.

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